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Estate Disputes & Litigation

managing proper settlement of an estate or trust

What is Estate disputes & Litigation?

At no other worse time, the disputes involved in administration of a loved one’s trust or estate can strike an emotional cord to those involved. During this time, it is important to have someone to lead you to the best conclusion in the least tumultuous manner.

What is estate disputes & litigation?

The loss of a loved one is perhaps the most stressful experience anyone will ever have. The stress and sense of being overwhelmed is only further compounded when new and unusual legal questions that are thrust upon those left in charge at what seems to be the most inappropriate time.


Why it is important

Probate Mediation and Litigation can involve various scenarios from protecting inheritance of the deceased heirs or beneficiaries to managing proper settlement of an estate or trust with aggressive creditors or conflicting beneficiary claims. While proper planning can sometimes prevent the controversies that make the process painful, there are some cases that the courts must inevitably decide.


Our Role

Our attorneys aim toward peaceful resolutions without comprising the results our clients deserve. Our clients look toward our compassionate and attentive approach and extensive experience in our ability to reach the right conclusion.

North Little Rock Office

1 Riverfront Place, Suite 650

North Little Rock, AR 72114

Fax: 501-372-1206